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The characters will have all the normal movements humans have in real life, consisting of, but not restricted to: ​

  • walking

  • running

  • sprinting

  • jumping

  • climbing

  • crouching

  • crawling

  • lying down

Naturally, not everyone will have the same skill in one or another aspect, hence all will depend on the character played at the time.​

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


The environment surrounding the players will contain different collectables and items needed for survival. It will be up to the character's ingenuity to figure out what to use and where to find it, with the player submerging into the pre-existing skills of their protagonist.


Whenever such is possible, the player would either receive an audible notification from their character in the form of a verbal expression or a passing thought, or the object will be displayed as interactive upon hovering over it with the cursor.


Whenever a character encounters another, they'd also be able to communicate and interact. The dialogue options would depend solely on the character personality, as the player will be able to choose options only for the character they're playing in that day.​

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


A key feature in the game will be exploration. Unlike other games, however, where the route of a character is easily marked through a map with potential "fog of war", the exploration in Suburbia will rely on the player's memory of a path they've walked and, when such is compromised, the character's. Some of them will note down a road through marking systems, others will simply rely on their hunch. 


You can find a basic outline of the map to the right, which marks five main locations of a single level.

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


As it was mentioned before, the players will be heavily restricted by the confinements of the characters they're playing. This means that if a character is capable of executing a certain task, they'd do so, and if not - they'll let the player know! This helps with a variety of different gameplay, which the player might not consider initially exploring, as well as with defining the characters' stereotype and personality.


The cycle of different characters changes with each passing day, which will add more confusion to the player in the beginning until they've accustomed themselves to the gameplay. Come the end of in-game week, the player will have to eliminate one of the characters they've played as, this way revealing their story and true identity. 

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


Adding up to the previous points of immersion, it will be inevitable to include aspects of survival in order to boost the realism of the game and offer a sober and intuitive approach to the gameplay. This will include, but are not limited to:

  • thirst

  • hunger

  • temperature

  • fatigue

  • mental health

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


The most common and comfortable way for executing such techniques would be through the usage of WASD keys + mouse, as they allow for the optimal movement capabilities.


  • W - Move Forward

  • A - Move Left

  • S - Move Backwards

  • D - Move Right

  • Shift - Sprint

  • Ctrl - Crouch down

  • Space - Jump

  • E - Interact

  • F - Flashlight

  • I - Open Inventory

  • L - Open Logbook

  • M - Open Map

  • Left Mouse - Attack

  • Right Mouse - Block

  • Esc - Open Menu

Mechanics and Gameplay: Bio


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