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DAY 1 (V.1)

It has begun.

They didn't tell me much about this social experiment, but I am lead to believe I'm already residing within it. There is nothing peculiar regarding my place of location: a hundred and fifty square feet space; white walls and ceiling, which in turn is ornamented with a single lamp that hangs down akin to a snake; wooden flooring that immediately let out a squeal as soon as my feet dropped from the short bed; a door. I wonder if the other contestants are met with the same accommodation, or if there are others at all.

There's not much to be done inside, so I'll venture out to explore what else this simulator has in store for me.


[Act 1: The character wakes up within Suburbia, hosted in a simple room. She begins examining her surroundings and noting down its basic features, as the camera acts like an extension of her gaze. It passes through her hands and lower body once stood up, making sure that she was intact. There's nothing special regarding her clothing, as it remains rather official, yet flexible, akin to a police officer's uniform, but not quite. 


The choices at hand do not leave her with much to do, as she can either begin browsing through her room or venture outside. If the former is triggered, the player could be able to find the escape room sooner, triggering Act 5. Once taken onto this path, the storyline will depend on whether or not she leaves the room as she found it before venturing out or not. If the latter, she'd return to Act 4 with the escape room entrance opened and provisions stolen. She could also store as much provisions as she could in the bucket and leave the bunker for good.]




To my surprise, walking outside I stumbled upon a completely different scenery than I have expected. Stepping into the wilderness, I realised that my temporary residence resembles a deserted bunker, built with stone and cement in the middle of nowhere. The grass in the surroundings was standing tall, easily folding down into a path once I've made my way deeper into the woods. I was not concerned with searching for food, for a human being can survive up to two weeks without provisions. My destination was a water source, which could help me maintain my survivability.

But with every step further, I felt as if I was gradually losing track of my surroundings, my mind starting to play sinister tricks on me. Or, rather, I hope it was my mind that stabbed its eyes into my back wherever I ventured.


[Act 2: Once outside, the character takes a deep breath in as the wind swooshes around her with a blow of leaves. It is easy to distinguish that she's in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick and looming coniferous flora. Turning around, she notices that her "spawn spot" resembles a bunker or, in case she found the escape room, it is a bunker.


Now she can go into any direction, as the basic ones lead her to the following:

  • North - The forest gets thinner and thinner until the character exits towards a road, which leads outside of the woodlands. If followed, the character will indicate to the player that it'd be wiser not to stray too far from the bunker. If insisted upon, or if she has decided to gather up whatever resources the bunker offered, she may continue up the road, which triggers Version 2, 3 or 4.

  • East - The character begins feeling colder and colder, as the ground gradually rises up to meet towering mountains. She cannot climb up, nor does she want or is prepared to. It is noted, however, that the snow on the ground could be potentially melted into consumable water, if only she had a [empty] bucket.

  • South - The path south reveals an endless amount of trees, as the woodland gets denser the further she goes. Quickly, she notifies that going any further might prove her lost, so she strays to return back to the bunker.

  • West - Moving along the dense forest, the character will eventually catch a glimpse of a sound of rushing water. Walking further west would only increase its volume, until she has finally at the ravine and, therefore, the river.

Any in-between direction would eventually bring to either of the main directions' events. It has to be noted that the character is feeling paranoid, which is seen through chaotic camera movements to investigate the surroundings, sudden sounds of something moving nearby, distant shifting silhouettes that vanish upon getting closer. In order to avoid getting lost, she had begun marking the tree barks with a stone in a particular system, which is only familiar to her.]




Fortunately, my ears managed to pinpoint a running stream further in the woodlands, piercing right in the middle of it with a ravine. It wasn't uncommon for such mountainous regions to host a great amount of food as well, and my assumptions proved true once I lifted a larger rock, which revealed a skittering crayfish. Such a delicacy!


I marked my way back across the tree barks with the help of a stone, let's hope that the others don't figure out the sign system.


It's getting dark...


[Act 3: Following the path West, the character ends up at her desired destination.

If she had arrived without resources, she'd make her way to the water source and start drinking, before examining its rocks for any food sources under. Like anticipated, she noticed a few crayfish mingling through the water, which indicated that fish was also present. The player may attempt to catch a few crayfish by tilting or lifting bigger rocks up and catching crayfish with their bare hands. 


If resources are available, the character may either return back to the bunker, continue North by the river where they trigger Version 3, or go North-West, where they eventually stumble upon the road and either trigger Version 2, 3 or 4, or come back to the bunker.

The night begins to commence, which limits her vision and increases her anxiety, urging her to seek safety.]




My room has been turned to chaos. The mattress is lying on the ground, the sheets have been widely scattered all over the place and whatever furniture existed was misplaced. Whoever walked in was definitely looking for something, but left only with a temper tantrum. I ought to clean up.


[Act 4: Upon returning to the bunker, the character notices that everything inside has been turned upside down. With her observant nature, she quickly points out everything out of order, making an assumption over the culprit's aim in this endeavour.


If the character hadn't discovered the escape room yet, she would eventually pinpoint the location of the odd floorboard after hearing its strange noise, verbally alerting the player in regards to that. 


If the escape room had already been discovered, the character could either tidy the room and sleep in it, lock herself in the escape room and spend the night there, or venture out once again in search of a different shelter, although the last will not be desired. Camping outside is not an option.


If she decided to venture out, her paranoia would be considerably increased, as she'd gradually make a run for Version 2, 3 or 4.]




As I started moving the furnishings around, my ears caught a distinctive sound. The typical creak that the parquet was making swapped for a hollow echo that revealed what I was missing the whole time. This doesn't simply look like a bunker - it is one.


Plucking out the odd floorboard, my eyes followed a ladder that vanished into an endless pit, which revealed nothing but paranoia and darkness. Step by step, I descended into the abyss where my hands desperately searched the walls. Click! And the light illuminated a resourceful escape room, stocked with cans of tuna, mac'n'cheese and beans, bottled water, potassium iodate tablets, light sticks, a bucket, trash bags and bleach.


Everything a woman needs.


[Act 5: Having found the escape room, the character climbs down the ladder into a pitch black atmosphere where her heartbeat and breath could gradually be heard increasing in volume (indicating her growing paranoia). Moving across the room's walls, the player will have to pinpoint the lights with their cursor in order to turn them on.


With the room illuminated, the character is able to collect whatever resources she can fit into a bucket and her pockets or spend the night within the escape room after freshening up.]

Narrative: Bio

DAY 1 (V.2)

It has begun.

They didn't tell me much about this social experiment, but I am lead to believe I'm already residing within it. There is nothing peculiar regarding my place of location: a hundred and fifty square feet space; white walls and ceiling, which in turn is ornamented with a single lamp that hangs down akin to a snake; wooden flooring that immediately let out a squeal as soon as my feet dropped from the short bed; a door. I wonder if the other contestants are met with the same accommodation, or if there are others at all.

There's not much to be done inside, so I'll venture out to explore what else this simulator has in store for me.


[Act 1: The character wakes up within Suburbia, hosted in a simple room. She begins examining her surroundings and noting down its basic features, as the camera acts like an extension of her gaze. It passes through her hands and lower body once stood up, making sure that she was intact. There's nothing special regarding her clothing, as it remains rather official, yet flexible, akin to a police officer's uniform, but not quite. 


The choices at hand do not leave her with much to do, as she can either begin browsing through her room or venture outside. If the former is triggered, the player could be able to find the escape room sooner, triggering Act 5. Once taken onto this path, the storyline will depend on whether or not she leaves the room as she found it before venturing out or not. If the latter, she'd return to Act 4 with the escape room entrance opened and provisions stolen. She could also store as much provisions as she could in the bucket and leave the bunker for good.]




To my surprise, walking outside I stumbled upon a completely different scenery than I have expected. Stepping into the wilderness, I realised that my temporary residence resembles a deserted bunker, built with stone and cement in the middle of nowhere. The grass in the surroundings was standing tall, easily folding down into a path once I've made my way deeper into the woods. I was not concerned with searching for food, for a human being can survive up to two weeks without provisions. My destination was a water source, which could help me maintain my survivability.

But with every step further, I felt as if I was gradually losing track of my surroundings, my mind starting to play sinister tricks on me. Or, rather, I hope it was my mind that stabbed its eyes into my back wherever I ventured.


[Act 2: Once outside, the character takes a deep breath in as the wind swooshes around her with a blow of leaves. It is easy to distinguish that she's in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick and looming coniferous flora. Turning around, she notices that her "spawn spot" resembles a bunker or, in case she found the escape room, it is a bunker.


Now she can go into any direction, as the basic ones lead her to the following:

  • North - The forest gets thinner and thinner until the character exits towards a road, which leads outside of the woodlands. If followed, the character will indicate to the player that it'd be wiser not to stray too far from the bunker. If insisted upon, or if she has decided to gather up whatever resources the bunker offered, she may continue up the road, which triggers Version 2, 3 or 4.

  • East - The character begins feeling colder and colder, as the ground gradually rises up to meet towering mountains. She cannot climb up, nor does she want or is prepared to. It is noted, however, that the snow on the ground could be potentially melted into consumable water, if only she had a [empty] bucket.

  • South - The path south reveals an endless amount of trees, as the woodland gets denser the further she goes. Quickly, she notifies that going any further might prove her lost, so she strays to return back to the bunker.

  • West - Moving along the dense forest, the character will eventually catch a glimpse of a sound of rushing water. Walking further west would only increase its volume, until she has finally at the ravine and, therefore, the river.

Any in-between direction would eventually bring to either of the main directions' events. It has to be noted that the character is feeling paranoid, which is seen through chaotic camera movements to investigate the surroundings, sudden sounds of something moving nearby, distant shifting silhouettes that vanish upon getting closer. In order to avoid getting lost, she had begun marking the tree barks with a stone in a particular system, which is only familiar to her.]




I looked for the moss on the tree barks to indicate my path, pinpointing the path North where a road began not far away from my bunker. Following its twisted nature, I gradually stepped through thinner flora until a wider landscape revealed itself in front of my eyes: a grand open plain with the easily distinguished road stretching out in different directions. One of them led towards a span of mountains, while the other trailed off down near what seemed to be a condensation of deciduous trees.


It's getting dark...


[Act 3: Stumbling upon a crossroad, the character can either decide to move towards the mountains and continue Version 2, towards the North-West to Version 3 and 4, back to the bunker and Version 1 or North-East/East where they will eventually end up at either Version 2 or 4. 


The night begins to commence , which limits her vision and increases her anxiety, urging her to seek safety.]




The path South-East lead me to the towering presence of cliffs, snow and bare remnants of trees. I felt the cold gradually tingling my skin, or so I was desperately trying to convince myself, resisting the penetrating winds that did not aid me in my endeavour. It was there, however, that I noticed a flicker of light in the top range in what seemed to be an unnatural silhouette of stones. Something, or someone, was definitely out there - I ought to investigate with care.


[Act 4: Pursuing the path further, the character would eventually reach the Monument at the top of the mountain, where a fire was evidently raging within. It was a considerably tall tower with a window opening at the top and a wooden door at the bottom.

If attempted on, the latter would not bulge, begging for additional force to be opened. A voice could be heard from within, however, asking: "Who is it?" There, the character could either hide away from the host, reply to the host and hope to be entered inside or attempt to force the door open.]




"Who is it?", a man's voice echoed from within the confines of the tower, as I squinted at the door in an attempt to diminish any movement in between the cracks of the wood. Alas, such was unavailable.


[Act 5 (v.1): The character hides.] 


I was not going to risk my safety for the promises of the unknown, so I ducked in between two nearby rocks in an await for the host to come out himself. Twisting the key in the lock and removing any additional safety, he finally revealed himself: a blonde man in his mid-thirties, with a full-grown beard, tall, muscular-athletic. 


[Act 5 (v.1): The character can either come out of hiding and introduce herself, or wait for the man to go back in and return back to the road, leading back to Version 1, 3 or 4.]


[Act 5 (v.2): The character replies to the host and hopes to be allowed in.]


Twisting the key in the lock and removing any additional safety, he finally revealed himself: a blonde man in his mid-thirties, with a full-grown beard, tall, muscular-athletic, blue-eyed, with some minor scars adorning his hands and face - most likely some type of a low-class worker.


[Act 5 (v.2): The character follows a dialogue with the man and is either allowed entrance or is sent away, depending on the player's choice.]


[Act 5 (v.3): The character attempts to force the door in.]


Taking a few steps back for additional distance for the needed momentum, I rushed in in an attempt to force the door open with my shoulder, alas was only met with additional pain and the shouting of the man inside. There go first impressions...


[Act 5 (v.3): The character is unable to open the door and would no longer be allowed entrance, leaving her with the option to return back to the road, leading back to Version 1, 3 or 4.]

Narrative: Bio

DAY 1 (V.3)

It has begun.

They didn't tell me much about this social experiment, but I am lead to believe I'm already residing within it. There is nothing peculiar regarding my place of location: a hundred and fifty square feet space; white walls and ceiling, which in turn is ornamented with a single lamp that hangs down akin to a snake; wooden flooring that immediately let out a squeal as soon as my feet dropped from the short bed; a door. I wonder if the other contestants are met with the same accommodation, or if there are others at all.

There's not much to be done inside, so I'll venture out to explore what else this simulator has in store for me.


[Act 1: The character wakes up within Suburbia, hosted in a simple room. She begins examining her surroundings and noting down its basic features, as the camera acts like an extension of her gaze. It passes through her hands and lower body once stood up, making sure that she was intact. There's nothing special regarding her clothing, as it remains rather official, yet flexible, akin to a police officer's uniform, but not quite. 


The choices at hand do not leave her with much to do, as she can either begin browsing through her room or venture outside. If the former is triggered, the player could be able to find the escape room sooner, triggering Act 5. Once taken onto this path, the storyline will depend on whether or not she leaves the room as she found it before venturing out or not. If the latter, she'd return to Act 4 with the escape room entrance opened and provisions stolen. She could also store as much provisions as she could in the bucket and leave the bunker for good.]




To my surprise, walking outside I stumbled upon a completely different scenery than I have expected. Stepping into the wilderness, I realised that my temporary residence resembles a deserted bunker, built with stone and cement in the middle of nowhere. The grass in the surroundings was standing tall, easily folding down into a path once I've made my way deeper into the woods. I was not concerned with searching for food, for a human being can survive up to two weeks without provisions. My destination was a water source, which could help me maintain my survivability.

But with every step further, I felt as if I was gradually losing track of my surroundings, my mind starting to play sinister tricks on me. Or, rather, I hope it was my mind that stabbed its eyes into my back wherever I ventured.


[Act 2: Once outside, the character takes a deep breath in as the wind swooshes around her with a blow of leaves. It is easy to distinguish that she's in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick and looming coniferous flora. Turning around, she notices that her "spawn spot" resembles a bunker or, in case she found the escape room, it is a bunker.


Now she can go into any direction, as the basic ones lead her to the following:

  • North - The forest gets thinner and thinner until the character exits towards a road, which leads outside of the woodlands. If followed, the character will indicate to the player that it'd be wiser not to stray too far from the bunker. If insisted upon, or if she has decided to gather up whatever resources the bunker offered, she may continue up the road, which triggers Version 2, 3 or 4.

  • East - The character begins feeling colder and colder, as the ground gradually rises up to meet towering mountains. She cannot climb up, nor does she want or is prepared to. It is noted, however, that the snow on the ground could be potentially melted into consumable water, if only she had a [empty] bucket.

  • South - The path south reveals an endless amount of trees, as the woodland gets denser the further she goes. Quickly, she notifies that going any further might prove her lost, so she strays to return back to the bunker.

  • West - Moving along the dense forest, the character will eventually catch a glimpse of a sound of rushing water. Walking further west would only increase its volume, until she has finally at the ravine and, therefore, the river.

Any in-between direction would eventually bring to either of the main directions' events. It has to be noted that the character is feeling paranoid, which is seen through chaotic camera movements to investigate the surroundings, sudden sounds of something moving nearby, distant shifting silhouettes that vanish upon getting closer. In order to avoid getting lost, she had begun marking the tree barks with a stone in a particular system, which is only familiar to her.]




I looked for the moss on the tree barks to indicate my path, pinpointing the path North where a road began not far away from my bunker. Following its twisted nature, I gradually stepped through thinner flora until a wider landscape revealed itself in front of my eyes: a grand open plain with the easily distinguished road stretching out in different directions. One of them led towards a span of mountains, while the other trailed off down near what seemed to be a condensation of deciduous trees.


It's getting dark...


[Act 3: Stumbling upon a crossroad, the character can either decide to move towards the mountains and continue Version 2, towards the North-West to Version 3 and 4, back to the bunker and Version 1 or North-East/East where they will eventually end up at either Version 2 or 4. 


The night begins to commence , which limits her vision and increases her anxiety, urging her to seek safety.]




The path down the plains lead me to yet another crossroad, and I was already getting tired from all this walking. The night was sinking in and its chilly tingle could already be felt creeping up my skin in goosebumps.


[Act 4: Pursuing the path further, the character would eventually reach another crossroad. If they'd turn left, they'd continue to Version 3, while the right turn led to Version 4.]




I was not going to risk my safety for the promises of the unknown, so I took my chances with the best at my disposal: a bridge. Climbing under the small construction which had evidently seen to the presence of others, I for the first time in my life felt like a hobo or, even, a drug-addict.


Gathering the needed equipment was not hard, considering that the previous occupant had left all the necessary twigs and stones to light up their now-extinguished cold campfire. Clank! Clank! Clank! And the light illuminated my features with its warmth, as I coiled at the risk to burn alive and dozed off. Reckless, I admit, but I was willing to take my chances and get a minute of sleep and limited cosiness, rather pass out in the middle of nowhere.


[Act 5: The character finds herself rather exhausted at this point, preferring the safety of the bridge, rather than taking onto an unknown road. She quickly points out the remnants of a campfire, as well as some left materials in the form of twigs and dried leaves in order to light up a fire. Pulling her sleeves together for basic survival training, she finds temporary comfort in the warmth of the campfire as the night takes its toll on her.]

Narrative: Bio

DAY 1 (V.4)

It has begun.

They didn't tell me much about this social experiment, but I am lead to believe I'm already residing within it. There is nothing peculiar regarding my place of location: a hundred and fifty square feet space; white walls and ceiling, which in turn is ornamented with a single lamp that hangs down akin to a snake; wooden flooring that immediately let out a squeal as soon as my feet dropped from the short bed; a door. I wonder if the other contestants are met with the same accommodation, or if there are others at all.

There's not much to be done inside, so I'll venture out to explore what else this simulator has in store for me.


[Act 1: The character wakes up within Suburbia, hosted in a simple room. She begins examining her surroundings and noting down its basic features, as the camera acts like an extension of her gaze. It passes through her hands and lower body once stood up, making sure that she was intact. There's nothing special regarding her clothing, as it remains rather official, yet flexible, akin to a police officer's uniform, but not quite. 


The choices at hand do not leave her with much to do, as she can either begin browsing through her room or venture outside. If the former is triggered, the player could be able to find the escape room sooner, triggering Act 5. Once taken onto this path, the storyline will depend on whether or not she leaves the room as she found it before venturing out or not. If the latter, she'd return to Act 4 with the escape room entrance opened and provisions stolen. She could also store as much provisions as she could in the bucket and leave the bunker for good.]




To my surprise, walking outside I stumbled upon a completely different scenery than I have expected. Stepping into the wilderness, I realised that my temporary residence resembles a deserted bunker, built with stone and cement in the middle of nowhere. The grass in the surroundings was standing tall, easily folding down into a path once I've made my way deeper into the woods. I was not concerned with searching for food, for a human being can survive up to two weeks without provisions. My destination was a water source, which could help me maintain my survivability.

But with every step further, I felt as if I was gradually losing track of my surroundings, my mind starting to play sinister tricks on me. Or, rather, I hope it was my mind that stabbed its eyes into my back wherever I ventured.


[Act 2: Once outside, the character takes a deep breath in as the wind swooshes around her with a blow of leaves. It is easy to distinguish that she's in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick and looming coniferous flora. Turning around, she notices that her "spawn spot" resembles a bunker or, in case she found the escape room, it is a bunker.


Now she can go into any direction, as the basic ones lead her to the following:

  • North - The forest gets thinner and thinner until the character exits towards a road, which leads outside of the woodlands. If followed, the character will indicate to the player that it'd be wiser not to stray too far from the bunker. If insisted upon, or if she has decided to gather up whatever resources the bunker offered, she may continue up the road, which triggers Version 2, 3 or 4.

  • East - The character begins feeling colder and colder, as the ground gradually rises up to meet towering mountains. She cannot climb up, nor does she want or is prepared to. It is noted, however, that the snow on the ground could be potentially melted into consumable water, if only she had a [empty] bucket.

  • South - The path south reveals an endless amount of trees, as the woodland gets denser the further she goes. Quickly, she notifies that going any further might prove her lost, so she strays to return back to the bunker.

  • West - Moving along the dense forest, the character will eventually catch a glimpse of a sound of rushing water. Walking further west would only increase its volume, until she has finally at the ravine and, therefore, the river.

Any in-between direction would eventually bring to either of the main directions' events. It has to be noted that the character is feeling paranoid, which is seen through chaotic camera movements to investigate the surroundings, sudden sounds of something moving nearby, distant shifting silhouettes that vanish upon getting closer. In order to avoid getting lost, she had begun marking the tree barks with a stone in a particular system, which is only familiar to her.]




I looked for the moss on the tree barks to indicate my path, pinpointing the path North where a road began not far away from my bunker. Following its twisted nature, I gradually stepped through thinner flora until a wider landscape revealed itself in front of my eyes: a grand open plain with the easily distinguished road stretching out in different directions. One of them led towards a span of mountains, while the other trailed off down near what seemed to be a condensation of deciduous trees.


It's getting dark...


[Act 3: Stumbling upon a crossroad, the character can either decide to move towards the mountains and continue Version 2, towards the North-West to Version 3 and 4, back to the bunker and Version 1 or North-East/East where they will eventually end up at either Version 2 or 4. 


The night begins to commence , which limits her vision and increases her anxiety, urging her to seek safety.]




The path down the plains lead me to yet another decision, and I was already getting tired from all this walking. The night was sinking in and its chilly tingle could already be felt creeping up my skin in goosebumps.


[Act 4: Pursuing the path further, the character would eventually reach another crossroad. If they'd turn left, they'd continue to Version 3, while the right turn led to Version 4.]




I decided to take my chances and look for a more suitable shelter for a woman like me, rather than reside under a bridge akin to a hobo or, even, a drug-addict. 


If only it wasn't for my feet gradually giving up on the willpower of my brain cells that I was going to reach my final destination without a problem. It was there, however, that I noticed a flicker of light within the confines of some sort of an establishment, glistening against the crown of a massive tree. Lured to the warmth of fire like a moth to a flame, I did not even realise that I was drawn into a swamp as my immediate groans and yelps alerted the owner of the campfire. 


"Grab onto this!", a man's voice yelled out offering a stick into my face, where my hands immediately grasped dearly for my life in an await to be pulled out of this predicament. Alas, that was the limit of my physical capabilities, and my mind wandered off into unknown realms with promises of their own.


[Act 5: The character finds herself rather exhausted at this point, barely managing to walk further up the road that was surrounded by parchments of woodlands. Stripped off her usual sense of cautiousness and overloaded with anxiety and fatigue, she didn't even realise she's walking into a swamp, which in turn is portrayed by muffled sounds in the surroundings and increased volume of breaths. Unable to maintain her sentience, her fate is left within the hands of the other character.]

Narrative: Bio


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